Monday, December 28, 2009

Said I got It In The Mail, Said They Didn't Put On My Door, Then Said It was Put On My Door, BUT THEN ADMITTED THEY ONLY GOT THE ORDER AT 4:30 TODAY

Part TWO of My Water & Electric Meter Pull Dec 2009 Lana Hill

1 comment:

  1. You are a sad sad woman! Complaining about your electric being cut off as if you didn't know they were coming! If you would get a job and pay your bills you would not have that problem!! Don't say you can't, cause with all the effort you put into taking down the man, and riding around town on your bike, you could have been working!! As for Mr. Johns being a sex offender, I do remember that by law he wrote an article in the local paper explaining the circumstances and he was charge because as a teen he was dating a girl legally, till his birthday came around and the girls mother fielded charges, not that he is a disgusting man that wants to fondle a nasty old woman like you!! Please find something better to do with your GET A JOB, and stop being such a pain in the neck for the city!!
